Welcome to our first blog post
Hello, Hideaway Ranch fans! For our first blog, we are excited to show off our new website. From now on it will be much easier to find out what is going on at the ranch and to book your cabin online. For those of you with great attention to detail, you will also notice another big change… our name! We have always strived to be your escape from the hustle and bustle of life, and give our guests peace, quiet, and tranquility…to be your refuge from the daily grind. We have also tried to be a refuge for wildlife and place for our domestic animals to live a peaceful and natural life. In keeping with that goal, we have decided to change our name to The Hideaway Ranch and Refuge! We will still have all of the animals you have grown to love, and in the near future, we will be adopting some more. Check back often to get your Ranch updates and to hear about and meet our new ranch members. We have some exciting changes and updates planned for the next few months!